Home Practice

With Heart

Founded in 2020 we believe that exploration and diverse experience with a mix of online learning

Anatomy of
a Class

A continuing education, online course for yoga teachers,
taught by Martyna and Jules Febre. The key to teaching a meaningful class begins with understanding each possible component that goes into making up the anatomy of a class: from the importance of āsana alignment and selection to musical accompaniment and ways to introduce yoga philosophy into your class.

  • Unlimited Access (your course never expires)
  • Insights into anatomy, sequencing, dharma and more
  • Create a class step by step
  • Peer feedback on what you teach

 Explore the elements that make up a meaningful class

With a mix of pre-recorded (20+ videos) alongside live sessions (10hrs +) this course is a dissection and reintegration of a yoga class meant to take your teaching to a higher level


learning experience

that brings you home

 classes for teachers and students of yoga

Our goal at Liberation Lab is to expose you to different perspectives and experiences from yogic texts to environmental activist and guided āsana and mediation classes.
At Liberation Lab, we draw inspiration from various traditions that span the globe, incorporating ideas and practices from classical South East Asian philosophical systems, strategies for social engagement and activism. We try to make our approach holistic, blending physical practice with intellectual exploration. We host monthly book clubs that are more like study groups that delve into Environmental Justice, Philosophy, dialog between “western science” and eastern contemplative insights and contributions. When we say that we are yoga teachers it means we are trying to engage ourselves in process of living ethical, compassionate, steadfast 
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Our Teachers

Martyna is an advanced certified Jivamukti Yoga who is deeply inspired by the animal rights activism of her teachers. She is dedicated to ethical veganism and animal welfare and self investigation. Martyna teaches workshops and retreats globally and is a member of the Jivamukti Yoga Teacher Training Faculty.
Martyna Febre

Having started yoga practice at a young age Jules was very fortunate to spend decades learning from his teachers. With two decades worth of teaching expereince Jules brings a sense of depth and playfulness to each of his classes.

Jules Febre

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