Liberation Lab
Founded in 2020, Liberation Lab has emerged as a hub for exploring
ancient awakening technologies within a modern context. Alongside weekly
live-streamed classes, monthly Satsang, and book clubs, Liberation Lab
offers continuing education for yoga teachers. Our courses are designed
to provide yoga teachers with practical and accessible tools that can
be applied in various teaching scenarios
About us
What we do...
Liberation Lab has become the home for many teachers interested in exploring what it means to live an examined life.
Yogic philosphy is the foundation of what we teach and offer. We take the approach that exploration and diverse experience play key roles in the project of a life well lived.
We are interested in how a yoga practioner engages with the world and society they are a part of. How does yoga inform participation in the modern world, what do ancient texts have to offer. We belive a healthy body and mind are the entry points to a healthy and more sane world.
Our team
Martyna Febre
Martyna is an advanced certified Jivamukti Yoga who is deeply inspired by the animal rights activism of her teachers. She is dedicated to ethical veganism and animal welfare and self investigation. Martyna teaches workshops and retreats globally and is a member of the Jivamukti Yoga Teacher Training Faculty.
Our team
Jules Febre
Having started yoga practice at a young age Jules was very fortunate to spend decades learning from his teachers. With two decades worth of teaching expereince Jules brings a sense of depth and playfulness to each of his classes.